Do you currently have a full-time job?
Yes. This is not it.
What is your educational background?
I graduated from MIT with a bachelor’s degree in biology, a minor in literature, and a dabbling in music. I have completed graduate-level courses in creative writing, Shakespeare, film studies, poetry, and graphic design. I have also studied photography, letterpress printing, and web design.
Do you think Harry Potter is good or evil?
Good. Even putting aside the many merits of the books themselves, I think it’s fantastic that thousands of children willingly stand in impossibly long lines to get their hands on a book that they’re desperate to read as soon as they can.
What is your favorite children’s book?
I always have a hard time answering this question, because I don’t have ONE favorite. I don’t even have ten or twenty favorites; any list I wrote up would easily number in the hundreds! (When asked face to face, I almost always go blank, and then the person asking me thinks I must not know anything about children’s books after all.) However, since you must be reading this page to find out more about me, here’s a list of titles (in no particular order) that pop into my head at the moment: